Inaugural Tate Community Garden Celebration


L-R Cllr Natasha Ennin, Cabinet Member for Community Safety & Neighbourhoods (Southwark), Mayor of Southwark, Cllr Naima Ali and Our Patron - The Very Revd. Dr Mark Oakley, Dean of Southwark


On Sunday 9 June 2024 we held the inaugural Tate Community Garden Celebration.

We welcomed many locals to celebrate a remarkable achievement of community power & local activism.

Thanks Chealsons Coffee for the complimentary hot drinks

Good to have Mayor of Southwark, Cllr Naima Ali, Our Patron - The Very Revd. Dr Mark Oakley, Dean of Southwark & Cllr Natasha Ennin, Cabinet Member for Community Safety & Neighbourhoods with us.

Check out more info about the Tate Community Garden by clicking here.

Find all the photos form the event here


The Great Get Together SE1 2024